Directions to the club from the water
Directions to PIYC and Onset harbor from the south:
Onset harbor is located at the top of Buzzards Bay on the western side of the Hog Island Channel, which is the entrance to the Cape Cod Canal. As you head Northeast in Hog Island Channel, and reach Hog Neck on the port, the entrance to Onset harbor is marked by Can #1 and Day Marker #21. Pass between these two marks to enter Onset Bay. Follow the buoyed channel around Burgess Point and when abreast of Can #11 head NE toward the PIYC mooring field. There is a pair of private buoys marking the beginning of PIYC’s mooring field. Hail the dock crew on Channel 9 or by calling 508-295-3972.
Directions to PIYC and Onset harbor from the north:
When transiting the Cape Cod Canal from Cape Cod Bay to Buzzards Bay, once you pass underneath the Railroad bridge, and pass the Massachusetts Maritime Academy campus, the Onset Harbor entrance is less than 1 mile on your starboard side and is marked by Can #1 and Day Marker #21. Pass between these two marks to enter Onset Bay. Follow the buoyed channel around Burgess Point and when abreast of Can #11 head NE toward the PIYC mooring field. There is a pair of private buoys marking the beginning of PIYC’s mooring field. Hail the dock crew on Channel 9 or by calling 508-295-3972.
We Monitor Channel 9

15-17 Independence Lane
Onset, MA 02558
( 41.739473 / 70.6493 )
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