2025 Hurricane Release

"*" indicates required fields

In the event the P.I.Y.C. implements the Hurricane Plan, I will remove my vessel from the Club slip or mooring field.*

I, having read the foregoing P.I.Y.C. Hurricane Plan, agree to be bound by, and comply with, the terms and conditions of said Plan. I further grant permission to P.I.Y.C. to remove my boat at my expense from its slip if the Hurricane Plan is implemented and I have failed to remove my boat in accordance with the provisions of said Plan.

I further agree to hold harmless P.I.Y.C., its agents, servants or employees, from any damage to my boat or its equipment as a result of the proper and reasonable implementation of the Hurricane Plan.

If any terms of this release in regards to hold-harmless provisions conflict with, or void, any coverage under any insurance policy which may provide storm damage coverage to my boat, then said provision of this release shall be deemed void and unenforceable as to ensure continued insurance coverage of my boat.

The Board of Directors and/or House Committee shall, at their sole discretion, withhold facility privileges from any member who fails to comply with the terms of the P.I.Y.C. Hurricane Plan.

Date Filed*
Date Approved*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

We Monitor Channel 9


15-17 Independence Lane
Onset, MA 02558
( 41.739473 / 70.6493 )

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